微軟Hotmail及Livemail在Outlook Express上設定收送信

As of March 12, 2009, POP3 access is now available to Hotmail users WORLDWIDE.




POP server: pop3.live.com (Port 995)
POP SSL required? Yes
User name: Your Windows Live ID, for example yourname@hotmail.com
Password: The password you usually use to sign in to Hotmail or Windows Live
SMTP server: smtp.live.com (Port 25)
Authentication required? Yes (this matches your POP username and password)
TLS/SSL required? Yes


【步驟一】進入Outlook Express,按『工具』-> 『帳戶』->『新增』->『郵件』->『帳戶』->『顯示名稱』->『電子郵件地址』->

【步驟二】『內收郵件伺服器』-> pop3.live.com ->『外寄郵件伺服器』-> smtp.live.com -> 『帳戶名稱』-> 『密碼』-> 『完成』->

【步驟三】再按『工具』-> 『帳戶』->『郵件』-> 『內容』-> 『進階』-> 輸入及打þ -> 完成後必須退出Outlook Express,再次進入即可。